TAXO'D.  Simple tax accounting solution for freelancers. Tax return, done.


Kristian Charles Williams

Kristian Charles Williams

May 10, 2023

What in hellfire is the SA102?

The SA102 form is used in addition to your main SA100 if you need to inform HMRC more about your employment income.

What is the SA102 form?

Unfortunately the SA102 is not the new droid in the Star Wars Universe.

Sadly it's a form. Just a boring old form. One of many boring old HMRC forms.

In addition to your SA100 Self Assessment form (your self employed tax return form), you can inform HMRC more about your employment income by completing the supplementary pages found in the SA102 form. 

TAXO'D TOP TIP - Another benefit of filing your SA100 form online is you will not need to fill out the SA102 form. The SA102 is only applicable to those filing to HMRC, in paper format via the post.

These could include:

  • if you have to declare untaxed income from employment
  • if you want to claim employment expenses (that your employer hasn’t already reimbursed you for)
  • if you are a company director and receiving income
  • if receive income as a chairperson, secretary or treasurer
  • if you receive foreign income
  • work for one person through another company or partnership 

To find out more about what incomes the SA102 form covers (and indeed to download the SA102 form) you can visit the HMRC. 

Depending on your tax situation, often you’ll also need to submit additional forms:

If you need to fill out any of these additional forms just attach them to your SA100 form.

Why not let TAXO'D tax return app for freelancers handle all of your tax woes?

We provide an end-to-end tax solution for all freelancers and most self-employed tax payers. Record as you go, know what you owe and file direct to HMRC. No Green Form. No More Accountants. All from your phone or desktop.

TAXO'D is a salary tax calculator. You record as you go (on your phone or your computer) day by day, throughout the tax year. As the weeks unfold and you are actively recording your income and expenses. With TAXO'D personal tax app - you will see in real-time displays the tax and National Insurance that you owe.With TAXO'D tax return software know exactly what tax you owe and when you owe it. Simple.

TAXO'D mobile tax tool does away with the need for an accountant, saving you further money and time. If you are earning money independently and responsible for your own taxes then sign up today. And find out why TAXO'D is the best self assessment software for freelancers and contractors.

Tax Sucks! Spend less time and money on it with TAXO'D tax filing app

Disclaimer: This is simply a guide and should not be treated as tax advice. Contact HMRC directly if you need tax advice.

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TAXO'D blog Author

Kristian Charles Williams

Head of Growth, Partnerships & Mugician

A freelance human and one that resides in creative industries. For the best part I have been an independent musician and a (not-so-independent) composer.

TAXO'D.  Beautiful, simple, award-winning, end-to-end accounting solution for freelancers. Record as you go. Know what you owe. Tax return, done. TAXO'D.  Beautiful, simple, award-winning, end-to-end accounting solution for freelancers. Record as you go. Know what you owe. Tax return, done. TAXO'D.  Beautiful, simple, award-winning, end-to-end accounting solution for freelancers. Record as you go. Know what you owe. Tax return, done.
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